而有些意外的是,書的內容是關於開心的方法論——教人怎樣開心。開心難道不是本能嗎?這還需要人教嗎?然而我們捫心自問,多久沒有一場發自真心的大笑,沒有一晚一夜無夢的酣眠,沒有一次無人打擾的旅程了。什麼可以讓人開心?財富嗎?研究早已發現資產和開心指數並非成正比。美貌嗎?自古紅顏薄命早已否定了這個答案。搞笑的能力嗎?當代最偉大的笑匠 Jim Carrey 和 Robin Williams,私底下卻分別是人格分裂症和抑鬱症患者。所以你看,“開心”二字,並非一個簡單的命題。我們在嬰孩時期用開心的歡笑感染世界,環境卻在我們成長的過程中慢慢擠壓著開心的光環。《開心法術》會告訴我們,如何堅定內核、抵禦外壓,令我們最本真的開心,能夠持續發光發熱。
無論你能否修得那「開心法術」,我期望你在看完這本書後,有衝動去DK Cuppa Tea享受不一樣的下午茶,那可能是另一個開心故事的序幕呢! Wish MAGIC Always Be With You?
Thing Studio (東西影樓) 創辦人
香港專業髮廊管理協會攝影美術顧問 2018至2019
香港專業攝影師公會委員會委員 2017至2019
香港白雲聯會 會董 2017至2019
髮型化妝整體形象設計師總會 榮譽顧問 2015至2018
香港美髮美容商會 常務理事 2015至2018
一大一路青少年慈善基金-文化交流攝影比賽「評審」 2017
十大傑出數碼攝影權威金獎 2016
亞洲傑出美容健康數碼影像藝術人物金獎 2016
職業安全健康局積案見親子攝影比賽「評審」 2016
Golden Award of Wedding and Portrait Excellent 2014
Vince Cheung
VincDesign is an award-winning studio based in Hong Kong. We balance the services of a premium communications agency with a passion for the art of design. We’re about good work, good clients and a good studio culture. Ideas and images. Creativity and coffee. We love every part of what we do, and we love sharing it with our clients.
Rm 201, 67 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Hong Kong
6067 1968
Maggie's is about empowering people to live with, through and beyond cancer by bringing together professional help, communities of support and building design to create exceptional centers for cancer care.
Drop in anytime between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday (closed on Public Holidays). No referral required.
We at Lifewire believe the power to change lives lies with the community. Lifewire is the very first crowdfunding platform for healthcare in Hong Kong. We bring together patients, charities, donors, and medical experts into a tightly-knit community, and drive ourselves relentlessly to make each story known. Anyone can donate as little as HK$30 or by simply spreading the word through social media, you can help a family afford life-changing medical care.
Get access to the most transparent fundraising platform ever. We open to the public the details of each transaction and we make sure this information is available over the cloud to everyone.
Stay tuned and sign up to our newsletter subscription to get the latest news on our development.
They are a HK based digital creative agency specialized in Visual Branding, UI/UX Design and Web & App Development, who crafts bounderless ideas and innovative digital experiences for a better world, one project at a time. They are one of the first few digital agencies adopted Agile Methodology, working closely with clients and users from design, research, experiment to implementation. They deliver effective, truly human-centered designs at the cost of a startup.
Looking for Specialist in Visual Branding, UI/UX Design and Web and Mobile App Development?
Our works: https://www.onioncreative.com/
Visit us: Room 1307, 13/F, Bonham Circus, Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Call us: +852 3483 3226
Drop us some questions: hello@onioncreative.com
Internet Association Company Limited
A web hosting service company that provide various kind of services. Please visit https://advannet.com/ for more details.
The best 100% organic essential oils, beauty oils, and carrier oils in the market.
Enabling a lifestyle of health and sustainability. Bringing the best nature has to offer, working with it and not against it.
Our Vision: Create a world where people respect and give back to nature. Working with nature to harvest its healing powers while taking care of it.
Our Mission: Bring the best nature has to offer. To enable lifestyle of health and sustainability with the use of organic and natural products. Educate consumers on the right way to use organic and natural products, safely and effectively, for beauty, home, health, and wellness.
Our Values
- Work with nature, not against it.
- Ethical sourcing keeping in mind the environment and our farmers.
- Insist on highest standards.
- Love what you do, everything else will follow.
- Simplify. Create more with less.
- Leadership by example.
- Respect others. Earn trust of others.
- Never stop learning.
- Be humble.
- Do things right the first time.
House of Pure Essence Limited
Unit ), 12/F, Wah Lik Industrial Centre
459-469 Castle Peak road
Tsuen Wan
譽京國際有限公司 (Leo King Mall) 主力在網上平台銷售優質貨品。公司的皇牌產品是熱買中的兩款意大利品牌「PZO多功能蒸氣焗爐」。因產品質量經嚴格監控、售後服務穏妥,且以親民價錢發售,瞬間得到衆多用戶愛戴,並超過2500谷友在FB「PZO蒸氣焗爐分享區」内輕鬆互動,交流煮食心得,印證了「譽京」推廣健康煮食文化的目標;更實踐了公司「以客為本」的核心價值!
Sam has over 14-years experience on commercial and portrait photography including print ads for 3M, German Pool, beauty, TVB artists and events. He likes high contrast photography but also natural style. Eight years ago, he established his own company SamLing Studio for wedding photography, wedding portrait and events shooting. He is thrilled to have job that allows him to explore his creativity while documenting significant moments in people's lives.
柏斯琴行成立於1986 年,是中港最具規模的樂器連鎖專門店,一直致力推廣音樂文化 培育音樂人才,將最好品質的音樂產品,最好的教學,及最好的服務帶給音樂愛好者。
Parsons Music Academy aims at promoting music culture and nurturing music talents. Apart from offering music, art and language courses, we also organize concerts, master classes as well as parents’ discussions. Through the above activities, we consolidate students’ music knowledge and enhance their performing skills in order to achieve our goal of “All-round education and comprehensive care”.
PBIL 柏傲制作
由余氏國際斥資全面收購,2018年將投入資金參與電影拍攝及製作,而柏傲娛樂創辦人煒堅導演被邀任新成立的柏傲娛樂控股有限公司執行董事,並監制開拍香港電影《拳道》。合作伙伴柏傲廣告及柏傲製作,均屬柏傲傳播系統(PBIL entertainment ),專門提供廣告製作、電視、音樂MV拍攝的娛樂廣告公司。創辦人兼CEO煒堅自1989年從事廣告製作,先後穿梭世界各地工作,擁有豐富媒體製作經驗,廣為行內人所熟悉。曾服務客戶包括:醫管局、觀瀾湖、國泰、國美電器、證監會、香港積金局及澳門第一部大型舞台劇《愛在澳門》,以及鞋履品牌「Staccato」及「修身堂」等。
Christian Paul
Christian Paul is today’s fastest growing Australian designer watch label. Captivating the finest of fashion bloggers and social media personalities worldwide.
An affordable Luxe look, that is at the forefront in functionality through our detachable, interchangeable straps. This makes Christian Paul the must have wardrobe essential.
Christian Paul’s Design and Concept has changed the way a watch is sold and purchased.
Our Sydney born designer, Timothy Caruana has fused together all of what Australia has to offer - from culture, color and landscapes. With elements from the beautiful coastal beaches to the historic rocks in the harbor, coupled with minimalistic, on trend fashion - to create our signature forever wearable style.
Skywork International specializes in developing scent marketing strategies to enhance a retailer’s brand image, retail traffic and potential sales through different scent applications, such as the hottest retail scent experience marketing facilities, signature scent printing as well as scent gifts & premium productions…etc. Since making its debut in the HK Science & Technology Parks in 2011, Skywork has been featured in a host of media coverage for over 80 times. In 2017, Skywork received Retail Innovation Award and invited as the strategic partner by Hongkong Post.
Prime House Enterprises Limited ("Prime House") is a multi-purpose event venue with a licensed whisky lounge which also is an accredited venue of the UK’s Whisky Ambassador. We offer end-to-end event management including event planning, venue rental and catering services. We have experience of event management which covers corporate events, workshops, liquor events, cocktail parties and exhibitions, etc.
We are always enthusiastic in cooperating with different social enterprises and charity organizations to work together on projects that help the people in need. We are really touched by Kat’s philosophy of happiness and her charity campaign; we are so glad to work with her on the meaning project which generates positive influence in the society.
Prime House Enterprises Limited(“Prime House”)是一個多功能活動場地,我們場內的持牌威士忌酒廊為英國Whisky Ambassador正式認可的威士忌大使活動香港區場地。我們提供全面的活動服務,包括活動策劃,場地租賃和餐飲服務等。我們擁有的活動管理經驗涵蓋企業活動,研討會,酒類活動,雞尾酒會和展覽等。
我們一直熱衷於與不同的社會企業和慈善組織合作,推行幫助有需要人士的項目。我們很欣賞 Kat的「開心哲學」和她的慈善活動,我們很高興能與她合作,為社會帶來更多正能量。
About Us:
Website: www.primehouse.co
Facebook: Prime House Hong Kong
Email: info@primehouse.co
Telephone: 2116 0667